How to get your dog to wear the right harness
Gifting your dog with a harness has its own benefits. Your dog might pull on to the leash while on a walk, for that a harness can help them train without hurting. The difference between a harness and a dog collar is that it is evenly distributed weight across a dog’s chest. Additonally , it has a handle which allows you to assist your dog on the bumpy rides. Y ou can choose a reversible dog harness . Once you decide on the type of harness you want to opt for your furry friend , here are some smart ways of getting your dog in a comfortable one. 1. Getting your d og used to it When your dog is not used to harness, he/she will try to run away from it while you are putting them on. So it is wisely advised to let them first let them smell it first. With this first step, you can soon pet your little friend by praising if they put it on. 2. Putting on the harness Try harness on your dog inside the house. Once, they get co...